The end of a relationship necessitates a transition that can be painful for both parties, especially when children are involved who are also having to cope with their parents’ separation. The challenges of this transition may be eased by the parties engaging in a process that involves less conflict. The goal will generally be for an expeditious and amicable resolution of the legal issues arising from the breakdown of the relationship. To that end, mediation of some or all issues should be considered.
According to Toronto family law lawyer Donna Wowk of Wowk Law, litigation can exacerbate the conflict between separated parties. It is an adversarial process which, by its very nature, supports conflicting one-sided positions. In some cases, it is the only realistic alternative for the determination of the legal issues arising out of the breakdown of a marriage or cohabitation. However, it is Ms. Wowk’s opinion that, in all cases, mediation should at least be considered and, in appropriate cases, discussed with the client.
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